Alhamdulillaah 2010 has begun, insha Allaah it will be a good year for all, a clean slate, a time to start fresh, break bad habits and replace them with good ones, I hope 2010 will be a year wherein I can maintain consistency in so many areas in my life which it is now lacking.
Looking back at 2009, many things have happened, some good some not so good, but alhamdulillaah it has been a pretty good year, I can't really complain.
From the One-minute writer - 'In 20 words, recap 2009'
So here's mine :
Happy, Sad, Laughter, Photography, Creative, Tears, Friendship, Weakness, Hopeful, Lovely clean bedroom, Found real dad, Homeschooling, achievement, Independence, Stress, Babies.
'In 10 words, write about your hopes for 2010.'
Consistency, Happiness, Love, Content, Good Health, Success, High Eemaan, Striving.
Insha Allaaah (God Willing)
I would also like to add a personal note to some special friends of mine, who I love dearly, you know who you are :)..............Thankyou for being there, I love you all for the sake of Allaah, I am blessed to have such good friends in my life, whether I stay close or move far, you will always be in my heart, and will not be forgotten. Thankyou for the laughs you've given me, and the times you've listened to me moan, astaghfirullaah, I love you all very much, mwaaaaah !!!! (sob sob )
Catching up on our days...
8 years ago
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